1st Call Concrete Pumping Service

Pump Sizes & Reach

**Please call (780) 203-4369 for rates and availability.
** We also do Agriculture Concrete Pumping for Northern Alberta

1st Call Concrete Washout Service

1st Call Concrete Pump Operators take excess concrete directly to a recycling facility. This service saves you money and time because you do not have to pay for a washout bag and removal. Moreover, it does not impede access to the job site created by full concrete washout bags left after a pour.

Additional Services

  •  Secondary Operator: For jobs that require two Concrete Pump Operators on site for the duration of the pour.
  • Onsite Quality Assurance: For jobs that require a quality assurance personnel on site for the duration of the pour.
  • Additional Dunnage: For pours which require additional dunnage to maintain safety, beyond what is carried on the equipment (each truck carries a minimum of four 6”x 4” pieces of dunnage). Please inquire with dispatch for this service.
  • Additional Delivery Line: For pours that require more than 80 feet of hose, additional slick line can be brought out to site.

** Please contact 1st Call Concrete Pumping’s office ( (780) 203-4369) for pricing for these services.